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Donate to UWF!

Horses for Mental Health is proud to partner with Unbridled Way Forward who shares the vision of horses changing people’s lives.

Unbridled Way Forward, PLLC, is a for profit mental health practice but you can donate to our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, Horses for Mental Health (HMH) and be a sponsor to
transform lives.

HMH’s mission is to expand the role horses play in mental health and well-being, globally. When you donate to HMH, your funds are designated for Unbridled Way Forward to save lives— both horse & human. 
If you feel drawn to support our work in any big or small way, we, and the people we serve, will be profoundly grateful. Donate and support our joint mission.


How You Can Help

  • Session fee scholarships ($195 per session)

    • Opportunities for those who are uninsured or underinsured.

    • Each client is eligible for 8-10 sessions.


  • Aging Horses Fund ($500 provides 15 bags of grain, one half monthly need).

    • 3 or our 4 horses are over 20 years old and are serving in their retirement.

    • Special food and supplements are needed to keep them well.


  • Emergency Veterinary Expenses ($500-$2000 per episode)

    • Horses injure themselves or get sick, requiring care beyond the expected preventive care.

    • This allows Unbridled to absorb these unexpected costs when they arise.

A horse grazing in a field

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

 Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. Begin it now.”


J.W. Goethe

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